AXEM Technology
11 rue Auguste Perret, 94042 Créteil, FRANCE – [email protected] – +33 (0)1 41 94 11 85 –
Siret : 45071140300045 - APE : 4652Z - RCS : CRETEIL 450711403 - N° TVA intracom : FR05450711403 - Capital : 500 000,00 €
File : 20190517_S-8800_&M-2900_User_guide.docx S-
8800 M 2900
Version : V1.0
Same as
Write Tags,
data of identified tags will be displayed in
Tag List.
Kill Tags
Password is necessary which can’t be 00 00 00 00 before Kill Tags. Therefore, to kill a tag please
change the content of password via
Write Tag Operation
When tag is killed successfully, the information will display as follows:
Tag Selection
No matter how many tags in RF region, we just want to access EPC tags which are already identified.
Now, we can use the function of Tag Selection (EPC matching).
1. Inventory Tags in
Buffer Mode
to get all tags’ EPC number.
2. Get tags in cache.
3. Access tags and choose the EPC NO. which is needed , as illustrated below: