C Shenzhen Awood Computer Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
All the information included, but not limited to, in the User Manual are protected by the copyright
law. Without permission of Shenzhen Awood Computer Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as Awood”), such information must not be counterfeited, copied, extracted, translated,
released or used for other purposes.
The User Manual is provided for use in the “state quo” or “current express” state. Within the law
scope, Awood provides no express or implied guarantee for the User Manual, including but not
limited to the commercial best-selling, applicability to special purposes, no infringement on the
rights of others and use or failure to use this User Manual. In addition, Awood shall not be liable
for the accuracy or reliability of results obtained by using this User Manual or information
obtained through the User Manual.
The user shall bear all risks related to use of this User Manual and clearly understand and agree
that Awood, the person authorized by Awood and the directors, management, employees, agents
and affiliated enterprises will assume no responsibility for the use of this manual and the
derivative, incidental, direct, indirect, particular, punishment or any other losses (including but not
limited to profit losses, business interruption, data loss or other monetary loss) which may be
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As the complete exemption of the above liabilities or the restrictions of liabilities for the above
losses may not be allowed in some countries or regions, the above restrictions or exemption
requirements may not apply to you. The user should know that Awood has the right to modify this
manual at any time. Once the product specifications or drive program is changed, the User Manual
will be updated. For updating details, visit the official website of Awood or directly contact its
customer service center.
The ownership and intellectual property rights of the third-party product names or attributes
mentioned in this manual belong to the owner and are protected by the current intellectual
property laws and treaties of the state.