AWG I Operating manual I Fittings I
Inductors Z2, Z4 and Z8
M1061B10 I Rev. 01-02/20
33 / 40
Notes on metering rates
The specified metering rates are applicable for water-based foam
agents or foam concentrates. The scale on the setting sleeve is cali-
brated for synthetic multi-grade foam agents.
Especially in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 %, the aspirated volume depends
strongly on the viscosity of the foam agent. In view of this, the DIN
14384 standard allows, for up to 1 %, a large rate tolerance of 50 %.
The scale on the setting sleeve thus only indicates a guide value.
5.2 Handling
Hose/pump adapter
Fixed coupling inlet side
Pick tube adapter
Setting sleeve
Fixed coupling outlet side
Hose/throw pipe adapter
Fig. 2
Foam nozzle flow rate
The connected consumer (foam nozzle or nozzle) must
achieve a water flow rate of at least 200 (Z2), 400 (Z4) or
800 (Z8) litres per minute at 5 bar.
In the case of foam nozzles with significantly higher
throughput, the throw distance or the admixing accuracy
may be affected, the inductor aspirating generally.
In the case of foam nozzles or nozzles with lower through-
put, no foam agent or additive is aspirated.