a perfect partner in performance...
a perfect partner in performance...
Pressure Independent Variable Air Volume ( Single Duct)
Variable Air Volume (VAV)
controller is an electronic device for
digital control of single duct, dual duct, fan
powered, and supply / ex-haust VAV terminal
Central VAV systems are considered to
be the most energy efficient method to air
condition buildings. By designing central
systems instead of distributed systems, a
greater efficiency can be obtained.
Pressure Independent VAV
System controls the exact volume of primary
air which flows to the occupied area by the
help of an airflow measuring device on the
VAV terminal. The VAVs can be widely used
as a standalone controller or connected to
a Network through our Network Control
Pressure independent control upsurges
the steadiness of flow control permitting
minimum and maximum flow settings to
become actual airflows rather than physical
positions of the modulation device, as
common as most popular in all VAV Control
The VAV System that works..
The air passes into each zone from the
ductwork through individual VAV boxes. A
temperature sensor located in each zone
is connected to its VAV box and opens or
closes the VAV box to maintain the defined
temperature set-point.
As the zone becomes satisfied, the VAV
box modulates to a closed position. As the
zone´s requirements become satisfied, the
pressure in the ductwork begins to rise as
the openings in the ductwork close.
Variable Air Volume systems, are used to
control both the ventilation and temperature
to satisfy the requirements of a building.
VAV Applications :
Residential & Commercial Buildings
Office space
Retail stores
Shopping Malls
Educational facilities
Indoor Games