1. The following should always be observed for safety .....................................3
2. Installation of Indoor, Outdoor Unit ..................................................................4
1) Selection of the best location
2) Indoor unit installation
3) Outdoor unit installation
4) Refrigerant amount
3. Installation Method .............................................................................................7
1) Procedure
2) Preparation of installation parts and tools
4. Piping of Indoor Unit ..........................................................................................9
1) Preparation of piping
2) Connection of piping
3) Precautions in bending
5. Connecting the Cable to Indoor Unit ................................................................11
6. Connecting piping and the Cable to Outdoor Unit ..........................................12
1) Connecting the piping to the outdoor unit
2) Connecting the cable to the outdoor unit
7. Power Supply and Wiring ..................................................................................14
1) Power spply
2) Wiring
8. Air Purging of the Piping and Indoor Unit........................................................15
9. Checking the Drainage and Form the Piping ...................................................17
1) Checking the Drainage
2) Form the Piping
10. Final Check and Test Run ................................................................................19