first, or if your phone has a persistent problem that is not
solved by powering off the phone and then powering it
on again.
A factory reset is a drastic measure. It permanently
erases all your personal data and customized settings,
and also removes any programs you have installed. Make
sure that you have backed up the information and files
you want to keep.
If your phone hangs or freezes, we recommend that you
do a "soft" reset instead of a hard/factory reset. To
perform a soft reset, remove the battery, wait for a few
seconds, and then re-install it. After re-installing the
battery, turn on the phone.
After you do a factory reset or update your phone, you
will be asked if you want to restore the backed up data
after you turn on your phone. Make sure that the micro
SD card where you backed up the data is installed on the
Date & time
Adjust/set date and time here, etc.
Schedule power on/off
Schedule power on/off here
See phone options.
Developer options
You can enable various systematic settings.