Removing the cover plate
The cover plate is screwed from the bottom side of the unit. To open it, put the unit to the edge of a
desk (right up, NOT upside down!) so that you can access the marked holes in the bottom. Insert a
long (at least 25 cm) 3 mm Inbus-driver and unscrew the four screws. The screws will then fall out.
After that insert a long stick (about 3mm diametre) into one of the holes in the bottom and lift the cover
plate by pushing the stick against it.
CAUTION: when mounting the cover plate again do not tighten the screws using too much
force. Oherways you might have difficulties whith unscrewing later on.
Changing fuses
CAUTION: Before opening the cover plate
and changing fuses the unit must be
disconnected from mains.
If the unit doesn't react when switched on, one
or more fuses might be blown. In this case
address to your dealer or a qualified repair
service. Show this manual to the repairing
technician in order to make him know how to
change the fuses.
When the cover plate is removed (see above),
you can localize the fuses on the processor
pcb according to the sketch right beside. The
fuses are all 20 mm glass types.
Blown fuses must be exchanged by types
of the same current handling capacity (for
115 Volt-versions use the values in
We strongly recommend the use of slow
blow types.