B asic operat ion
Depending on the selected card type (MM or MC), the impe
dance or capacity may be adjusted in six steps. The PH 8.3
stores the last set value for each individual card and recalls it
when the corresponding card is selected again at a later time.
You may adjust the final impedance/capacity (preferably
while a record is playing) with the LOAD impedance/capacity
keys on the unit (7) or via the RC 3 PHONO remote control.
Please note that the termination capacity of MM cartridges is
increased by the capacity of the cable by about 100 pF. We
recommend to select a setting on the PH 8.3 that is about
100 pF below the manufacturer's recommended capacity.
It is wor th experimenting to find out the setting for optimum
sound quality. Wrong settings will not harm the car tridge or
the PH 8.3.
2.4.3 Gain adjustment
The output voltage of cartridges is not standardized. There
fore, there are very "loud" and very "quiet" models. However,
this has nothing to do with their sound quality. In order to get
the best out of each car tridge, the gain of the PH 8.3 can be
set individually for each input in 5 dB steps. It is recommen
ded to start with "0dB" and increase the gain until you are
satisfied with the overall sound.