The WPA and WPA2 mechanisms provide for authentica-
tion while the connection is being established. For this a
WPA password must be defined.
When WPA is selected, the TKIP encryption method is
used to encrypt the user data. In WPA2 the AES-CCMP
encryption method is used.
The encryption method you configure here must also be
supported by your WLAN adapter.
The user data are encrypted using an automatically gen-
erated key. This key is regenerated at regular intervals.
The WPA password used may be 8 to 63 characters in
length. For increased security, however, the password
should be at least 16 characters long. Use numerals, let-
ters and special characters and combine capitals and
lower-case letters.
Default Setting of the FRITZ!Box
In the FRITZ!Box a method combining WPA + WPA2 encryption
with the TKIP/AES-CCMP encryption method is preconfigured.
This setting allows you to use WLAN adapters that support
WPA (TKIP) or WPA2 (AES-CCMP) or both methods.
Set the most secure encryption method supported by your
WLAN adapter in the FRITZ!Box.
If your WLAN adapter supports WPA2:
Enable WPA encryption.
Select the WPA mode “WPA2 (CCMP)” or “WPA+WPA2”.
Replace the WPA network key with a new, unique value.
It is advisable to change the preconfigured WLAN key as soon
as possible. Changes to the settings can be configured on
the FRITZ!Box user interface.
FRITZ!Box_7360-en.fm Seite 60 Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012 5:21 17