5 Particularities
5.1 Squid as proxy server
# This configuration sends all requests of the client to the squid via WebGate. So you
can use the squid proxy functions.
# Necessary settings in the squid.conf
cache_peer <WebGateHost> parent <WebGatePort> 0 no-query no-digest default
acl ALL src
never_direct allow ALL
5.2 ICAP configuration
# By means of the start of the ICAP server which is described in chapter 4.2 the
squid can work as ICAP client in order to handle requests.
# Necessary settings in the squid.conf
icap_enable on
icap_service service_1 reqmod_precache 0 icap://[WEBGATE_HOST]:1344/reqmod
icap_service service_2 respmod_precache 0
icap_class class_1 service_1
icap_class class_2 service_2
icap_access class_1 allow all
icap_access class_2 allow all