1. In the server Setup tab, click
The Recording and Bandwidth dialog box is displayed.
The Data Aging column shows an estimate of the recording time that is available at each image rate,
given the amount of space on the recording device.
2. In the Data Aging column, move the sliders to adjust the amount of time video is stored at each image
To change the data aging settings for all linked cameras, move the slider for one linked camera
and all linked cameras will be updated.
To change the data aging setting for one camera, break the camera's link to other cameras by
clicking the
icon to the left of its name, then make your changes.
3. In the
Max. Record Time
column, manually enter a maximum record time or select one of the options from
the drop down list for each camera.
If the time estimated in the Total Record Time column is shorter than what is set in the Max. Record
Time column, the camera's actual recording time will be shorter than the Max. Record Time.
4. Click
Adding Users and Groups
If there will be other people using the system, you may want to add them as separate users rather than giving
them access through the default administrator account.
Before you can add individual users, you will need to add permission groups that define what users have access
to. By default, the system has the following groups:
— has access to everything in the system.
Power Users
— has access to most features in the system except for the ability to import and export
Restricted Users
— has access to live video only and can control audio and digital outputs.
Standard Users
— has access to live and recorded video, but cannot make any Setup changes.
It is highly recommended that the Administrators group includes at least two users. In the event one administrator
user forgets the default administrator password, the second administrator user can be used to reset the
password. If you do not have a second administrator user, you may need to completely reset the system.
Adding Users and Groups