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7.4.2. Resident Shield Interface
Besides an overview of the
Resident Shield
functionality, and the information on the
component's status, the
Resident Shield
interface offers some statistic data as well:
Resident Shield has been running for
- provides the time since the latest
component's launch
Threats detected and blocked
- number of detected infections that were
prevented from being run/opened (
if needed, this value can be reset; e.g. for
statistic purposes - Reset value
Resident Shield settings
In the bottom part of the dialog window you will find the section called
Shield settings
where you can edit some basic settings of the component's
functionality (
detailed configuration, as with all other components, is available via the
Tools/Advanced settings item of the system menu
Resident Shield is active
option allows you to easily switch on/off resident
protection. By default, the function is on. With resident protection on you can further
decide how the possibly detected infections should be treated (removed):
either automatically (
Remove all threats automatically
or only after the user's approval (
Ask me before removing threats
This choice has no impact on the security level, and it only reflects your preferences.