Getting Familiar With the AVer EVC -Series
EVC includes Main System, MIC, Camera and Remote Controller.
Front Panel:
(1) LED Indicator
Show you the status of your LAN connection.
Solid Green:
LAN connection is successfully
Flash Green:
Data transmission is processing through the
LAN connection.
(2) POWER Button
Press this button to turn on/off main system. Red: power off; Blue: power
(3) USB Port
Use to connect the USB storage for system log saving and FW upgrade.
Back Panel:
(1) POWER Port
Connect the power supply cord and adapter to the power port located on
the back panel. And connect the other end of the power cord to a
suitable power outlet.
(2) USB Port
This port is the same as USB Port located on the front panel.
(3) CAMERA IN Port
Connect the camera to the main system via a camera cable.
(4) VGA OUT Port
Connect the VGA cable to the VGA OUT port located on the back panel,
and connect the other end of VGA cable to a display device to output
video signal. In dual screen configuration, the output screen connected
to this port will be set up to secondary screen automatically.
(5) AUDIO OUT Port
Use to connect the main system to external speakers or amplifiers for