Maintenance and servicing
Continuous maintenance of the backhoe includes regular cleaning and lubrication. The condition of the
hydraulic hoses and components should be monitored. Due to crushing hazard caused by movements of the
backhoe booms, all maintenance work must be done when the backhoe has been lowered down completely
and any additional required supports are used.
Check the condition of the hydraulic hoses and components when the engine has been turned off and the
pressure has been relieved. Repair all leaks immediately after detecting them; a small leak can quickly grow
into a big one. Do not use the equipment, if you have discovered a fault in the hydraulic system. Leaking
hydraulic fluid may penetrate the skin and cause serious injuries. Hydraulic fluid is also harmful to the
Check hoses visually for cracks or abrasions. Monitor the wearing of the hoses and stop the use, if the
surface layer of the hose has worn off. If there are signs of leaking, to check the component, hold up a piece
of cardboard in the area where a leak is suspected. Finding any of these faults means that the hydraulic
hose or component in question must be replaced. Spare parts are available from your nearest AVANT
retailer or service point. Leave the service of hydraulic components to a trained professional if unsure how to
safely perform the task.
Never tighten a hydraulic fitting under pressure,
since the fitting may break and the released oil
may cause serious injuries. Do not use the
equipment, if you have discovered a fault in the
hydraulic system.
Service support
At the side of the backhoe lifting boom there is a red service
support, which is intended to lock the booms for transport,
storage and service procedures. The service support is fitted
so that the other end of it is mounted so that its other end is
locked to the bracket near the slewing pivot. During
maintenance the backhoe will be the most stable when it is
mounted on the loader and its outriggers are against the
All maintenance procedures must be performed when the bucket has been lowered
down completely. The backhoe and its bucket may lower wihtout operating the control
levers and cause serious injuries.
Cleaning the equipment
You may use a pressure washer and a mild detergent. Do not use strong solvents or spray directly at the
hydraulic components or at the labels on the attachment either. Lubricate the lubrication points of the
attachment after washing, shown in section 7.3
Do not let water to stay in the bucket. For longer storage periods touch up the paint where needed, grease
the lubrication points and oil the visible parts of hydraulic cylinder shafts to prevent rust damage. Do not
store the attachment directly against the ground; place it on blocks of wood or on a pallet, for example.