User’s manual
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ers’ interface
The User interface of the Mixing Processing gives access to 4 sub tab called Master1-4,
each one controls one of the 4 independent mixers (see diagram in §3.4).
individually selected by pressing/clicking on one of
When selected,
mixer is displayed in orange just below generic bar menu:
On left, 8{6} individual slices of faders and buttons control of the processed inputs from
the input processing
On right, the slice
“Master mix”
manages the output level and the on/off of the mix
On the top, the Master 1-4 tabs displays and allow selection of the Mixer under control
On 2
line top of slice, the value of the gain reflects the mix fader position for the slice
On 3
line, On/Off buttons control the activation of the slice
On bottom, a reminder of the source of each slice is displayed
On last line, colored label buttons enable the user to customize the input slice labels
Faders control individually the input mixing gains
Each input of a mixer can be enabled (On) or muted (Off)
Each mixer has a Master fader controlling the Master mixer output level
Each master mixer output can be enabled (On) or mute (Off)
Digital fader manages gain in the range -Inf then -80dB to +12dB per step of
A double click or a long press on a Gain in the top of the slice enables to set it
directly using a keyboard
Mixing gain values on input sources
Selected mixer
On/Off buttons of input sources
Reminder of the source/destination
Names and colors of input/output
Fadder with its scale on
its right.
A double click on a fadder
reset the gain to 0db
A long press or double
click on the colored
label button provides
the ability to custo-
mize this button (i.e
name, color gain) or
to copy/paste the
entire slice for/from
another slice.
Meter level at left of slice
with its scale to its right
(1) Mix fadder of processed Input1-4{1-2} and processed Dante1-4