DPM1-P User Manual, 1st Edition
User Manual - DPM1-P Series Panel Meters
To use the meter to display frequency select the “FrEC” operation mode.
mode “tAC” speed is always displayed in rpm based on the specified number of
pulses per revolution from the sensor.
mode “rAtE”display scaling is possible from an input value given in pulses per second
(input frequency) to configure a display-frequency ratio reading in engineering units. If
increasing frequency must result in an increasing display then
(direct proportional
variation) must be selected. Select
(reverse proportional variation) if increasing
frequency must result in a decreasing display.
In the
configuration, the meter is able
to present a display proportional to the cyclic
relationship of the input signal (t on / t off ).
The programming sequence is similar to that of
any analog input, introducing a pair of values for
the input (InP1 and InP2) to which correspond
a pair of display values (dSP1 and dSP2).
InP1 = Ton / toff value in point 1
(programmable from 0 to 100.0%) dSP1 =
Display value for point 1 (programmable from 0
to 9999 plus decimal point position)
InP2 = Value of ton / toff in point 2
(programmable from 0 to 100.0%) dSP2 =
Display value for point 2 (programmable from 0
to 9999)
Modulation of the cyclical relationship (duty cycle)
0% Duty Cycle
100% Duty Cycle