Truma S3002 Vehicle Space Heater
Vehicle Space Heater -
Truma S3002
The S3002 heater incorporates a 3kw gas burner
and a 2kw mains electric element
(known as Ultraheat).
If the two energy sources are used simultaneously
this gives a maximum heat output of 5kw. The
heater also incorporates a 12V blown air heat
distribution system that will deliver warm air
through blown air ducts running throughout
the vehicle.
Igniting The Heater
Before operating the heater for the first time
ensure that the batteries are fitted to the ignition
unit, and that the gas cylinder, and isolation valve
are turned on.
• Turn on the control knob to the desired
thermostat setting (from 1 to 10) and
press down as far as the stop.
• Ignition will take place automatically until the
flame ignites. Keep the control knob pressed
down for a further ten seconds to allow the
safety pilot to operate.
• If the flame should go out then automatic
ignition will occur immediately during the
closing time of the safety pilot (approximately
30 seconds). If there is no flame present the
igniter will continue to operate until the
control knob is switched to ‘0’ .
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