The electric system in Auto-Trail vehicles makes good use
of modern technology. It is centred on the hightech
Switchmode power supply system.This 12 V DC charger
has been specifically designed for use in a motor home.
It is capable of charging the battery safely for long periods
without overcharging.As a power supply, the charger will
supply all reasonable demands placed on the system. The
working of each electrical circuit must be fully understood.
All electrical cable terminal connections must be regularly
checked to ensure that they are secure.All electricity must
be turned off before disconnecting the battery. Always use
the terminals provided never crocodile connectors.
Plug sockets must be regularly checked and cleaned.Wire
connections must be checked for undue tension. Check
cables for wear and damage, always carry spare fuses. If in
doubt, see your Auto-Trail dealer.
The wiring diagram for the vehicle is included in appendix 1.
There are two electrical circuits in the vehicle. One operates
on 12 V and one on mains electricity.These are outlined in
the wiring diagram.
12 V System
This is fed from an 85 amp-hour leisure battery that is located
in a dedicated compartment in the vehicle. This is connected
to the main control panel via the fuse box.The control panel
inside the vehicle indicates the condition of the battery. When
the engine is running, or the vehicle is connected to a mains
supply, the leisure battery is charged through the onboard
charging unit.
Connecting and Disconnecting the Battery
Warning - Please ensure that all cigarettes are
extinguished before working in the auxiliary battery
compartment. Switch off all appliances and lamps
before disconnecting the auxiliary battery.
Release the battery from its restraints in the battery
compartment. Disconnect the battery from its terminals.
Fitting a new battery is a reversal of the above procedure.
1. EC 200 Electronic Control System
With the use of new technology and an innovative approach
to user interfacing, the EC200 Power Control System
provides a complete control solution for a wide range of
leisure vehicles.The microprocessor controlled digital system
allows the user to control equipment and view / edit system
information from a userfriendly control panel that
incorporates a liquid crystal ‘ALPHANUMERIC’ display
(not Apache range).
2. System Overview
The following diagram shows the components that make-up
the EC200 system. The system basically comprises a Power
Supply and control Unit (PSU2007) that houses the Mains
240v protection equipment, a 200 watt 12v charger / power
supply, and power control / protection for the 12v equipment.
The PSU2007 is connected to a Digital Control Panel via a
data cable.
9. Electricity: Services
Final 2006 AT Handbook 1/12/05 12:06 pm Page 28