SMS command
[password] set t<N> [W][G]
[L] [origin period repeats]
To set the timer. Upon wake-up by timer the
device defines current coordinates and sends
them via SMS to the master-phone number.
Wake-up time is specified in the current time zone
(for firmware version 0.2.23 or higher). Password
is required to execute the command.
<N> - timer number (1 or 2)
[W] - to wake up
[G] - to wake up and get GPS coordinates
[L] - to wake up and get GSM coordinates (LBS)
[origin] - time of the first daily wake-up
[period] - interval between wake-ups
[repeats] - number of wake-ups
SMS command samples:
1234 set t1 WG 0 1 1
1234 set t1 WG 00:00:00
01:00:00 1
1234 set t2 L
1234 set t2 12:00 00:00 0
The timer №1 will wake up at 00:00 and once
again in 1 hour. Upon wake-up the beacon will
determine current location by GPS, send SMS
and wait for 10 minutes for owner’s command.
Upon wake-up by the timer №2 the tracker will
determine GSM coordinates (LBS).
The timer №2 will wake up at 12:00 once a day.
[password] set t<N> ?
To ask for the timer configuration.
SMS command sample:
1234 set t1 ?
SMS response sample:
Timer #1 configuration is updated:
origin: 00:00:00 UTC
period: 01:00:00
repeats: 1
actions: WG
time to next action: 00:00:59
[password] set t<N> -
To switch OFF the timer.
SMS command sample:
1234 set t2 -
SMS response sample:
Timer #2 is disabled