2.4 Changing Operating Parameters
Chapter 2
To select one of the setup menu’s shown, press the indicated function key.
- The screen for that menu appears with the name highlighted.
- The
elds in the middle of the screen, indicate the parameters that you can change in
that menu.
- The top line identi
es the keys you press to highlight the parameter
elds and change
the settings. The procedure is:
(1) Use arrow key to highlight the parameter
eld you want to change.
(2) Use the Spacebar to change the parameter.
always returns you to the top menu.
The following tables list the parameters for each menu and explains their settings.
Default settings are listed
rst unless otherwise noted.
Sets the screen display for 80 columns, 132 columns, or Econ-80.
(80 columns with more pages of memory)
Sets the screen display for 24, 25, 42, or 43 lines.
(25 lines is normally required for PC Term.)
Page Length
Sets the length of a page of display memory to:
1 x Lines: Equal to the number of lines selected in the lines parameter
2 x Lines: Two times the value of the lines parameter
4 x Lines: Four times the value of the lines parameter, or
*Equal to the value of the lines parameter, with a second page containing the rest of the
lines remaining in memory.
Sets the cursor display to blink or steady, block or underline.
Sets the screen display to Dark (light characters on a dark background) or
Light (dark characters on a light background).
Auto Page
Cuses a new page of memory to move onto the screen when the cursor reaches the top
or bottom of the page.
Screen Saver
Off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, means no saver, 5, 10, .... minutes saver.
Width Change
Causes the terminal to clear the screen when executing a command to change the num-
ber of columns.
Off / On control function ANSI, VT-100 and VT-220:
" means, when SGR command ESC [ 3? m and ESC
[ 4? m select background and foreground color change respectively.
" means, when SGR command ESC [ 3? m and ESC
[ 4? m select foreground and background color change respectively. (? can be 0,1,2,...,7)
Preset with LCD
F1 Display Setup Menu