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Negative Switch Driver Priority
3 Wire Positive Switched Door Locks:
In this application, the Red wire of the door lock harness provides a + 12 volt pulse during the disarming
sequence, or pulsed 12 volt unlock output. Connect the Red wire to the low current 12 volt signal wire from
the factory door unlock switch to the factory door unlock relay.
The Green wire of the door lock harness provides a + 12 volt pulse during the arming sequence, or pulsed 12
volt lock output. Connect the Green wire to the low current 12 volt signal wire from the factory door lock
switch to the factory door lock relay. See Below For Wiring Detail.
3 Wire Positive Switched Door Lock/Unlock Wiring Detail
Driver Priority Unlocking:
For driver Priority Unlocking the Red/Black wire will be connected to unlock all doors, and the red, or green
will be used to unlock the drivers door dependent upon the door unlock polarity. Please review the reference
diagram following and wire according to the vehicle type you are working on.