Program Control, Gate Delay
The front-panel Program Control Output DB9 connector provides
several pulse or gate signals controlled from APWIN software. Pin 6 on
this connector is a sweep gate which goes high at the beginning of each
APWIN sweep and drops low at the end of the sweep. Pin 1 is a
delayed sweep gate, similar to pin 6 but with an additional
user-settable delay time between sweep start and the leading edge of
the gate signal. That delay time is controlled by the Gate Delay field at
the bottom of the DCX panel. See Table 3 for Program Control Input
and Output connector pin assignments.
Gate Delay Control for Delayed Trigger
The delayed sweep gate (pin 1) is similar to the sweep gate (pin 6)
in that it goes low during a sweep and returns high at the completion of
the sweep. However, the delayed sweep gate does not go low until the
Gate Delay time has elapsed after the beginning of a sweep.
DCX-127 Multifunction Module User’s Guide
Page 25
Figure 16. Program Control connectors, showing pin numbering