Page 104
Under the Tones sub-tab, there
are two addition sub-sub tabs
marked Group A and Group B.
Under the Group A tab, you
can determine which speakers
are active in Group A, the Fre-
quency point for Treble and
the Treble Level. You can do
the same for Bass, setting both
the Bass Frequency point and
the Bass Level.
Under the Group B tab, you
can determine which speakers
are active in Group A, the Fre-
quency point for Treble and
the Treble Level. You can do
the same for Bass, setting both
the Bass Frequency point and
the Bass Level.
Once you have set speakers
up in these two groups and
adjusted their level, you can
opt to Store these settings on
one of the four Tone Presets
by pressing the corresponding
Tones Store number.
The Misc tab allows you to set
the volume using a sliding con-
trol at the top of this window.
You can also set the Cinema
Reference Mach II’s maximum
volume level and select the
Turn-On Volume Preset.
DTS LFE settings are also ad-
justed on this page.