7.2 Cleaning and care of behind-the-ear-hearing aids with
external receiver
Hearing aids with an external receiver have special requirements
in terms of cleaning and care. Please proceed as follows:
To clean your hearing aids on the outside, either use an audifon
pro care Cleaning-Tissue or a dry, lint-free cloth which you have
moistened with the audifon pro care Cleaning-Spray. Rub your
behind-the-ear hearing aid carefully with a tissue or cloth.
This will remove soiling and residues of earwax quickly and
easily. When handling the external receiver, please take special
care. Make sure that moisture does not get into the microphone
inlets of the hearing aid.
7.3 Changing the earwax protection filter
Hearing aids with an external receiver feature protection filters
to prevent earwax being deposited inside the receiver. It is
necessary to regularly change the filter to ensure your hearing
aids function perfectly. To replace the filter, proceed as follows:
First remove the dome from the receiver
module and clean it.
Remove the replacement tool from the
filter dispenser and slide it into the filter.
Pull out the filter with a gentle turning
Turn the changing tool. At the other end of
the changing tool is a new filter.
Press the new filter with the changing tool
into the filter opening of the hearing aid
until it clicks into place. Then simply pull
out the replacement tool and dispose of it.