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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Coat the plastic cap on the strut tube on the contact surface
-arrow- with lubricant G 000 405 A2.
After removing the spring clip and the spacer and lubricating the
strut tube cap, make sure that the boot in the strut bearing is in
the correct position as with the shock absorber tube.
Measured Values Block 32, Reading
Applies to certain countries only. Refer to the Maintenance table.
– Follow these steps in sequential order.
♦ Connect VAS 5051/5052
♦ On Board Diagnostic
♦ Engine electronics
♦ Measured value blocks
♦ Select measured values block 32
♦ Display field 2 (4-cylinder engines)
♦ Display field 2 and 4 (V6 and V8 engines)
If the values deviate by > 15%, then the Fuel Injector Cleaner G17,
refer to
⇒ “2.13 Fuel Injector Cleaner G17“, page 27
must be
increased by a factor of 4.
Battery, Checking Level Using Guided
Fault Finding
– Follow these steps in sequential order.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Maintenance Procedures - Edition 08.2011
Rep. Gr.03 - Maintenance, Diagnosis