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Drive chain for auxiliary drives - exploded view
1 - 5 Nm + turn 90° further
❑ Renew
2 - Chain tensioner
❑ With guide rail
3 - Gasket
❑ Renew
4 - Compression spring
5 - 64 Nm
6 - Chain sprocket for balance
7 - Bearing cap
8 - Balance shaft
❑ Removing and installing
9 - Bolt
❑ Tightening torque
10 - Drive chain for auxiliary
❑ Before removing, mark
running direction with
paint. If a used drive
chain rotates in the op‐
posite direction when it
is refitted, this can
cause breakage.
❑ Removing and installing
11 - Crankshaft
12 - Drive chain sprocket for
auxiliary drives
13 - Circlip
Removing and installing drive chain for
auxiliary drives
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Locking pin - 3242-
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
1. Chain drive