When NE=1, two counting options are offered. One is counting down, just like when NE>1. The other
one is counting up. After setting NE=1, press SET key second time and use ^ or V key to set the count
direction “tdIr” to count-up(Up) or count-down(dn). Press SET key third time to confirm.
The counting down option can be used for boiling (when only one ingredient is added), or mashing at a
fixed time. It works just as when NE>1.
The counting up option is for mashing process that is finished by specific stage of starch conversion
instead of specific time. The timer functions as a stop watch by continuously counting up. It provides a
time reference for user when it is the time to check the sweet wort. The timer will not stop
automatically and activate the relay. In this mode, pressing START button will start and stop the timer,
RST button will reset the timer to zero. Pressing the MUT button will restart the top display from zero so
that it becomes the second timer.
, Alarm duration. It is the duration that you want the buzzer to be turned on at the end of each
event. The duration of all events are the same. Ad can be set from 0 to 200. The unit is seconds. e. g.
When Ad=5, the flashing buzzer will be on for 5 second. The number 0 and 200 have different meanings.
When Ad=0, the timer will pause at the end of each event and turn on the buzzer, user need to press the
Reset key to continue the timer. This is a feature designed for old school brewing. When Ad=200, it
become “on until cancelled”. The relay will turn on until user press the mute key. Note: When the Ad is
not set to zero, the timer counting will continue when the buzzer is on.
. Time duration of each event, X is the event number. TX is the boiling time of each ingredient as
commonly used in beer recipe. For example, if hop A needs to be boiled for 60 minutes, hop B needs to
be boiled for 10 minutes. Then set T1= 60 and T2=10. When, set the time, you need to set the longest
time first and shortest time last (T1>T2>T3>….). The value of T1 sets the up limit for T2, the value of T2
sets the up limit for T3 and so on..... If you set T1=T2, event T2 will be ignored.
How to set nE and Ad.
Press and hold SET for 3 seconds, display will show NE. This is for setting the number of events.
Press SET again, display will show Ad. This is for setting the alarm duration.
Press SET again to exit.
How to set T.
Press SET momentarily, display will show T1, use up ^ and down V key to set the value and press SET to
Note, the parameter setting change will not be saved until SET is pressed.
Application Example.