3) Run indicator: lit when the timer is running; flash when the timer is finished/stopped; off before timer
is started or when timer is ready to start.
4) Output indicator: turns on when relay is on; turns off when relay is off. It will be on at the end of each
event for the duration of “Ad”. This light should be synchronized with the flashing buzzer that is
connected to the relay.
5) SET key. Press and hold this key for 3 second will enter the programming mode to set nE and Ad.
Press the key momentarily to set T1, T2, etc. This key is disabled when timer is running.
6) V / RST key: Decrease and reset key. When timer is running, press it to stop the timer and return to
the beginning ready state. When timer is finished, press it to stop the timer from flashing “END” and
make the timer ready for another run. In the programming mode, pressing it will decrease the set value
of the parameter. Each time you press and release, the value will decrease by one unit. But if you press
and hold it, the value will continuously decrease, as the holding time increases, the speed of number
decreasing will accelerate. You can use this feature for large number reduction. When the number is
getting close to desired value, release the key. Then, press it momentarily for fine setting adjustment.
7) ^ / MUT key: Increase and mute key. When the timer is running, press it to allow the top display
show the number of the upcoming event. (T2 ,T3, etc). When an event time is up and relay is on,
pressing this key once will turn off the relay and mute the alarm. This function only affect the relay. It
will not interrupt the running timer. In stop watch mode, press it to restart the top display as a second
In the programming mode, pressing it will increase the set value of the parameter. Each time you press
and release, the value will increase by one unit. But if you press and hold it, the value will continuously
increase, as the holding time increases, the speed of number increasing will accelerate. You can use this
feature for large number increment. When the number is getting close to desired value, release the key.
Then, press it momentarily for fine setting adjustment.
8) START key: Start key. Pressing it will start the timer. When timer finished and flashing “END”, pressing
it once will stop the flashing, making the timer ready for the next run. Pressing second time will restart
the timer. This key is disabled when timer is running. In stop watch mode, press it to start and stop the
Setting the Parameters
There are only three parameters to be setup: Number of events, alarm duration and time of each event.
, The number of events are the total number of times you want the buzzer to be on. e. g. If you only
add hops at the very beginning and want the buzzer to turn on when the boiling is done, that is one
event. If you want to add another hop in the middle of boiling, it is considered two events. Up to nine
events can be set for the process.