ZWD management
Sensitivity Settings
The motion sensor can be adjusted from requiring a large amount of energy to activate or requiring little energy.
40 is a typical value, 0 is too sensitive for all applications, and 255 will disable the sensor.
Brightness Settings
The sensor can be adjusted to turn on the lights only when the room is not fully lighted already. The main light
threshold is adjusted by the Daylight Harvesting slider to only turn the LED on when needed. The Night-Light
threshold is adjustable to be on when the room is dark enough to need a guide light. In addition, the brightness of
the Night-Light can be adjusted.
Timing Settings
The motion sensor will keep the light on for the time you define, from 30 to 7200 seconds. After this time, the light
will start to fade off. During this fade out time, the occupant will have ample light to be able to trigger an extension
should the sensitivity be set too high.