background image

2.  To raise the anchor, rotate the lift handle CLOCKWISE.  

Figure D


The rope reel release knob and the lift handle only operate in a clockwise direction.  
Operating these in a counter clockwise direction may cause damage. 


1.  The Anchor Lift System comes completely lubricated from the factory with 

waterproof grease; however lubrication is recommended periodically to maintain the 
product in good working order.

2.  The amount of use and exposure your Anchor Lift System is subjected to will 

determine the frequency of the required lubrication of the product.  The Anchor Lift 
System Anchor Mount / Rope Guide and Anchor Rope Reel Assembly should be 
covered when not in use and, if used in salt or brackish waters, should be fl ushed 
with fresh water to remove all salt residues.  


1.  To lubricate the reel assembly use a waterproof grease spray or grease tube with 

a long nozzle and insert into the lube opening located under the long slot handle 
assembly.  Rotating the reel during this process will help to move the grease over 
the internal component surfaces. 

Figure E

2.  To properly lubricate the reel internal axle assembly you will need to remove the 

rope from the reel.  Apply grease into the slot in the reel axle shaft and rotate the 
reel to spread and coat the internal axle.

3.  Reinstall the rope on the reel.  Make sure that you clean up any grease residue prior 

to installing rope on the reel to avoid soiling the rope.

4.  To lubricate the Anchor Mount / Rope Guide use a light duty penetrating oil to spray 

the shafts of the rollers allowing the penetrating oil to work under the rollers.  Avoid 
spraying directly on the anchor rope.    

Figure F

If further maintenance is required please contact Attwood Technical Service Department 
at: 1-616-897-2301.




# 69503 Rev B




Prior to drilling or mounting of the product: verify the location of all wiring harnesses, 
fuel lines, steering cables etc. on your boat.  Make sure all drilling and mounting 
components do not interfere with the other systems of the boat.  

Do not drill or place holes in areas that are or may be located below the waterline. 

Always read and follow boat manufacturer’s instruction manuals.  

When operating boats at high speeds or in rough waters the anchor must be stowed 
inside the boat to prevent accidental release of the anchor or damage to the anchor 
system mount and reel components and assemblies.  When trailering your boat the 
anchor must be placed inside the boat and secured. Failure to do so could result 
in personal injury or property damage due to possible release of the anchor during 

This product is not to be used to lift humans, animals or loads other then marine 
anchors. This product is not to be used where life and limb are or could be at risk.  

Failure to follow all manufacturer instructions could lead to property damage and/or 
personal injury and/or death.



This product is designed to be used with anchors weighing up to 12 pound maximum.  
Use of anchors that exceed this limit may result in personal injury or property damage 
and voids all warranty of the product. 


•  (1) quantity  -  Anchor Mount / Rope

Guide Assembly

•  (1) quantity  -  Anchor Rope Reel


•  (1) quantity  -  Anchor Mount Rear


•  (1) quantity  -  Rear Pulley Axle

•  (2) quantity  -  Push Nuts

•  (6) quantity  -  Nylon Washers

•  (1) quantity  -  Instruction Sheet


Please Note:  The Attwood Anchor 
Lift  System comes complete with the components listed 
above.  Due to the variety of watercraft and materials used 
in the construction of boats today, Attwood has not included 
mounting hardware such as bolts, screws, nuts, line guides 
or pulleys.  These are boat specifi c and must be supplied by 
the consumer to meet their particular application and craft 
specifi cations.  



It’s always a good idea to enlist the help of second person during the installation 
process to help in locating, holding and marking the assemblies for installation.   


1. Determine a suitable location for the installation of the Anchor Mount / Rope Guide

Assembly and Anchor Rope Reel Assembly.  Make sure that these locations have
enough support for the loads and space to properly mount and use the product with
clearances for the anchor rope to move freely during use.

For watercraft with decks or no opening in the bow plate, a 3/4 inch hole may be
necessary to be drilled directly beneath the rear roller of the Anchor Mount / Rope
Guide to provide proper routing of the anchor rope for your application.

Attwood recommends the use of swivel pulleys and guides to help route the rope to 
properly utilize the Anchor Lift System by keeping the rope clear of obstructions and
to avoid undue chaffi ng and wear on the rope and the system. These are not supplied
but can be found at a marine dealer or online.

2. Once you have decided on the location for the Anchor Mount / Rope Guide place the

© 2013 Attwood Corporation 1016 N. Monroe Street, Lowell, MI  49331-0260

mount in position and mark, then drill the (4) holes to match the base mounting 
hole positions.  

3. If a ¾ inch clearance hole is required below the Anchor Mount / Rope Guide (see

fi gure A) now is the time to add it.  Position the mount in place and mark the center
of the rear roller along it’s rear edge.  Then, using this mark, drill a ¾ inch clearance
hole for the rope to pass through.

4. Attach the Anchor Mount / Rope Guide by using ¼ inch bolts or screws (depending

on your boats specifi c construction and requirements), making sure all fasteners are
secure and tight.

Figure A


1.  Place the Rope Reel in position and mark, and then drill, the (3) holes to match the

reel’s mounting hole positions.

IMPORTANT: Make sure there is suffi cient clearance for the reel to operate freely
and there is no interference with oar locks, oars during use or motor and/or
steering components.

2.  Install the ¼ inch bolts using the nylon washers supplied, one on each side of 

the hull to provide a water resistant installation.  Depending on your watercraft’s
construction you may want to use a quality marine sealant to provide additional
watertight protection from water intrusion.  Once all fasteners are in place verify that
all fasteners are secure and tight.

Figure B

Leave ample clearance for 
unobstructed operation


1.  The Attwood Anchor Lift System uses 3/16” diameter anchor rope up to 100 foot

capacity.   Insert one end of the rope through the hole from the spool side.  Tie a knot
in the end of the rope making sure that it is as tight as possible and trim off excess to
avoid rubbing and interference against the base when the reel is in operation.

2.  Add slight tension to the line and slowly wind the rope onto the reel in a clockwise 

direction. Having slight tension on the line keeps it from binding or becoming tangled
during the winding process and provides for much easier anchor release.

3.  Once you have the anchor line wound on to the rope reel route the rope along the

side of the boat, determine if you will need rope guides or swivel pulleys, note the 
placement of the guides, and install them following all of the Warnings and Cautions. 

(Attwood recommends the use of swivel pulleys and guides to help route the rope to
properly utilize the Anchor Lift System by keeping the rope clear of obstructions and
to avoid undue chaffi ng and wear on the rope and the system. These are not supplied
but can be found at your local marine dealer or online at one of the many marine

4.  Finalize the routing of the anchor line through the Anchor Mount / Rope Guide

Assembly, attach your anchor, and take up the slack in the line.

5.  Verify the routing of the line making sure there is no chaffi ng or interference

between; the line, pulleys, guides and the watercraft.

Figure C


1.  To actuate the release of the anchor simply turn the release knob in a CLOCKWISE

direction.  The anchor will drop until you turn or release the knob back to original
starting position.

3/4 in. diameter 
clearance hole


IINSTRUCCIONES PARA LA INSTALACION            09/11           # 69503 Rev B



Antes de perforar o realizar el montaje del producto: controle la ubicación de todos los 
mazos de cables, tuberías de combustible, cables de dirección, y demás componentes 
del bote. Asegúrese de que ninguno de los componentes de perforación y montaje 
interfi era con los otros sistemas del bote. 
No perfore ni realice orifi cios en áreas que estén o puedan estar ubicadas debajo de la 
línea de fl otación. 
Siempre lea y siga los manuales de instrucciones del fabricante del bote.
Cuando opere botes a alta velocidad o en aguas agitadas, el ancla debe estar guardada 
dentro del bote para evitar que se suelte accidentalmente o que el montaje del sistema 
del ancla o los componentes y conjuntos de carretes sufran daños. Cuando remolque 
el bote, el ancla debe estar asegurada dentro de este. De lo contrario, el ancla podría 
soltarse durante el transporte y ocasionar lesiones personales o daños a la propiedad. 
Este producto no se debe utilizar para levantar a seres humanos, animales o cargas que 
no sean anclas marinas. Este producto no se debe utilizar si se pone en riesgo la vida 
o las extremidades. Si no se siguen todas las instrucciones del fabricante, esto podría 
provocar daños a la propiedad, lesiones personales o la muerte.


Este producto está diseñado para utilizarse con anclas de hasta 12 libras como máximo. 
La utilización de anclas que excedan este límite podría ocasionar lesiones personales o 
daños a la propiedad, lo que anula toda la garantía del producto. 


•  Cantidad (1): Montaje del ancla/conjunto guía de la soga  
•  Cantidad (1): Conjunto de carrete de la soga del ancla 
•  Cantidad (1): Polea trasera del montaje del ancla 
•  Cantidad (1): Eje de la polea trasera 
•  Cantidad (2): Tuercas a presión
•  Cantidad (6): Arandelas de nailon
•  Cantidad (1): Hoja de instrucciones


Importante: El sistema de elevación de ancla Attwood viene completo con los 
componentes que se indican arriba. Debido a la variedad de embarcaciones y materiales 
que se utilizan actualmente en la construcción de botes, Attwood no ha incluido 
accesorios de montaje, tales como pernos, tornillos, tuercas, guías de línea o poleas. 
Estos accesorios varían según el bote, y el consumidor debe obtener aquellos que 
cumplan con las especifi caciones de la embarcación y su aplicación particular.  


Siempre es bueno solicitar la ayuda de otra persona durante el proceso de instalación 
para que lo asista a la hora de ubicar, sostener y marcar los conjuntos que debe instalar. 


1.   Determine cuál es la ubicación adecuada para instalar el montaje del ancla/conjunto 

guía de la soga y el conjunto de carrete de la soga del ancla. Asegúrese de que estas 
ubicaciones tengan soporte sufi ciente para las cargas y espacio para montar y utilizar 
el producto adecuadamente, con la separación necesaria para que la soga del ancla se 
mueva libremente durante su uso. 

En embarcaciones con cubiertas o sin aberturas en la placa de la proa, puede que 
sea necesario perforar un orifi cio de 3/4 pulg. (1,90 cm) debajo del rodillo trasero del 
montaje del ancla/guía de la soga para lograr una trayectoria adecuada de la soga del 
ancla para su aplicación. 
Attwood recomienda el uso de poleas giratorias y guías para ayudar a establecer 
la trayectoria de la soga y utilizar el sistema de elevación de ancla adecuadamente, 
protegiendo así la soga de obstrucciones y evitando que se produzca un roce o 
desgaste excesivo de la soga y el sistema. Dichos elementos no están incluidos, pero 
se pueden obtener en una tienda náutica o en Internet.

2.   Una vez que haya decidido cuál será la ubicación del montaje del ancla/guía de la 

soga, coloque el montaje en posición y realice las marcas pertinentes. Luego, perfore 
los (4) orifi cios para que coincidan con las posiciones de los orifi cios de montaje de 
la base. 

3.   Si se requiere un orifi cio de separación de 3/4 pulg. (1,90 cm) para la soga debajo del 

montaje del ancla/guía de la soga (vea la Figura A), este es el momento de añadirlo. 
Coloque el montaje en su lugar y marque el centro del rodillo trasero a lo largo de su 
borde trasero. Luego, partiendo de esta marca, perfore un orifi co de 3/4 pulg. (1,90 
cm) para que pase la soga. 

4.   Fije el montaje del ancla/guía de la soga con pernos o tornillos de 1/4 pulg. (0,64 cm) 

(dependiendo de la construcción y los requisitos específi cos de su bote) y verifi que 
que todos los sujetadores estén ajustados y fi jos. 
