tos M
al Inc, 2020 |
, 102020
This text does not replace or represent the complete contents of the Instructions For Use (IFU) and/or Prescriber
Information for the products in this text. Therefore, before prescribing and/or using any of the products
included in this text, please review the entire contents of the respective IFU and/or Prescriber Information.
Topic 23:
Provox ActiValve voice prosthesis
Although the magnets in the Provox ActiValve are unlikely to set off
a metal detector (such as those used at airports), be sure to present
your Provox ActiValve User Card before going through screening.
Additional precautions
Always inform healthcare providers and emergency personnel about
your Provox ActiValve voice prosthesis, and be sure to tell them that it
contains magnets
Show healthcare providers your Provox ActiValve User Card before
undergoing any type of medical procedure or examination
Always carry your
completed Provox ActiValve
User Card with you.