The same preferences in the dive settings
menu are available in the simulator. In
addition, you can set a specific gas
consumption rate and an altitude range other
than the current altitude. Changing settings
in the simulator only applies to the simulated
dives and will not change your dive settings.
Risk Level and exertion levels adjust the
conservatism of the algorithm.
Change altitude settings only if you want
the simulation to be other than your current
altitude. The Cobalt Computers pressure
sensor will base calculations on current
atmospheric pressure if
Current Altitude
is selected.
Selecting the
Gas Mixes
icon allows set up
of alternate or multiple EAN mixes. Selecting
Switch Alerts
icon allows programming
gas switches for simulated dives.
Simulation Setup
Main Menu
Simulation Menu
Set gas consumption
rate in cubic feet or
liters to predict gas
use during a dive
Set risk level and
exertion level for the
Set altitude range
Set SIM Gas mixes
Set SIM Gas switch
Settings in the
simulation setup,
SIM Gas mixes, and
SIM gas switch alerts
to the
simulator, and do not
change any settings
used for actual diving