Main Menu
Ready to Dive
If you plan on switching
to an alternate mix while
diving, you must first
program at least one
Gas Switch Alert in the
Gas Switch Alert screen.
Cobalt will use planned
gas switches when
calculating no-deco
times and surfacing
schedules. Switching
away from your primary
gas mix will disable
the gas time remaining
calculations. This and
the tank pressure
reading will be shown
in a grayed text color
whenever you are not
using the primary mix.
Multi-Gas Diving
Gas switching can be initiated manually or by automatic
alerts. Alerts can be set to activate on Descent or
Ascent. Ascent Alerts require you to dive below the alert
depth for at least three minutes to become active.
Using alerts:
When reaching the alert depth, an alert will appear
showing the planned gas switch. Press SELECT to
acknowledge the switch, then again at the second dialog
window to confirm. The dive display will update to show
the new gas mix. If you Press BACK or do nothing, the
planned gas switch will be dismissed. Your no-deco time,
ascent time, and any surfacing schedule will recalculate
based on the current mix. You can also scroll to any other
defined mixes if you are switching to an alternate gas.
Manual Switching:
If any Gas Switch Alert is set, you can initiate gas
switching manually. Press the UP button during a
dive, and a dialog allowing you to scroll through all the
defined mixes will appear. Use the UP button to step
through the available mixes. Confirm the switch just
as with an alert initiated switch.