The camera adapter comes with 37-mm and 52-mm threads. If you need other sizes your
local camera store should be able to help.
• Remove the rubber eye-cup from the MO-4
• Screw the camera adapter onto the front of the lens on your Video camera’s lens or your
35-mm camera’s lens.
• Loosen the three set screws on the camera adapter.
• Place the camera adapter over the MO-4’s eyepiece.
• Tighten the three set screws to fit snugly to the MO-4 eyepiece
• You may need to focus the 35-mm camera or video camera in combination with the MO-4 in
order to get the sharpest image possible.
• We suggest that you find an open space to work in. Focus the MO-4 so that the scene is at its
sharpest. For the best results you should disable the auto focus (if any) on either the 35mm
camera or the video camera and manually focus the 35-mm camera or the video camera.
Once the image is in sharp, then simply adjust the MO-4 front lens to change the focus.
• An important part to remember is that you are not tak
ing a picture of an object that is far away
from you, but you are actually taking a picture of a phosphorous screen of the MO-4 that is
only 2-3 inches away.
6X (10X) DOuBlER
• Unscrew 90 mm lens off the body of the MO-4 ( make sure that the unit is turned off).
• Screw the doubler into the body of the MO-4 where the 90 mm lens is removed.
• Screw the 90-mm lens into the doubler.
When attaching the doubler do not be afraid to use a little force.Operation
• Take the monocular out of the case.
• Install the batteries into the housing with the polarity order as shown on the scope. Battery
type: 3 Volt Lithium, #CR123A
• Press the button marked -/O to turn unit on with the protective lens cover still attached to the
Do not turn unit on in the daytime without the protective lens cap on.
you should
see a green glow in the eyepiece.
• Observe the scene and adjust the diopter for the optimal image clarity.
• You may now enter a dark environment or simply shut the lights off in order to darken the
• Next, remove the lens cap/daylight filter. Adjust the front lens for distance focus. You should
not have to readjust the diopter.
• The unit will turn on and off automatically when you bring it to or take away from your eye. This is
done by activating the proximity sensor. To activate the proximity sensor push the digital control
marked “a”. you will notice the green led change to red when the sensor is on.
• In order to assure the proper functioning of the proximity sensor, make sure that the protec
tive glass surface of the sensor is always clean.
• To increase battery life the LED diodes will go off after 10 seconds.
• You will need to focus the objective lens for different distances.
• The handle on the MO-4 swivels easily from left to right allowing comfort of use for both right
ies and lefties. To move the handle loosen the front lens and the eyepiece. The handle then
will be adjustable for left- or right-hand use.
• Take your time learning about your “smart” scope. It will take practice to properly u
se the
device. as you use this scope you will be able to improve your speed of focusing, as well as
sharpness of image.
• Have fun and enjoy.