QTouch Schematic and Layout Checklist [APPLICATION NOTE]
Slider/Wheel uses only three channels
A QTouch Slider/Wheel always uses only three channels. It is important to use channels with similar sensitivity.
Using mismatched channels with significantly different sensitivities will lead to an unbalanced Slider/Wheel.
Always split third channel (highest numbered channel) in a QTouch Slider.
Sense pins selected for Slider/Wheel are not unbalanced
Ensure that the sense pins selected for Slider/Wheel are not unbalanced. If loaded pins are combined with
regular GPIOs, the linearity of the Slider/Wheel will be poor.
Multiplexing sense lines with Programming lines
SNSK sense line can be multiplexed with ISP lines. It is better to not use SNS lines for multiplexing with
programming lines, as the extended track lengths might cause loading and interference effects.
For lesser pin count devices which mandate multiplexing, SNS lines can be used with shorter trace length
Do not use same channel sense (SNS and SNSK) lines for multiplexing programming lines.
Since the sampling capacitor (Cs) used across would affect device programming.
2.2 Atmel QTouchADC
This section consists of the checklist for reviewing a QTouchADC schematic.
Sense Electrode is connected to an ADC input pin
The QTouchADC acquisition method uses the ADC module. Hence the sense channel needs to be configured on
a port which has the ADC input pins.