Error Diagnosis
Several parameters are monitored by the IC, such as undervoltage, overtemperature, antenna
frequency range, and antenna current. The acknowledge bit is returned by the IC after the
pattern has been sent.
The status of the acknowledge is displayed by the program. It displays Ack O.K. if no error is
detected, and Ack Error if a failure has occurred (see
Using the demonstrator system antenna, current undervoltage monitoring can be easily per-
formed, for example:
• Turn the voltage of the power source below 6.5V
• Short or open the antenna module via the plug
In both cases the Ack Error message is displayed after pressing send.
Figure 6-5.
Acknowledge Status
Antenna Current Measurements
Using the standard antenna module, the maximum antenna current measures about 0.6 Ap
at 12V operating voltage (see
). At this antenna current, the IC is out of regulation
b e c a u s e t h e c u r r e n t d o e s n o t r e a c h t h e s e t p o i n t o f 1 . 5 A p d e t e r m i n e d b y
RCR = RCR1//RCR2 = 25 k
Figure 6-6.
Antenna Current out of Regulation