Press HALF (enter) again and the display would show WATER 1 6.0.
Follow the procedure to change the quan ty of water in the drink 1 side as above.
Press HALF again and the machine display shows “returns to the regular MAKE
Lastly pressing HALF would show CHANGE PASSWORD. Press TEA or COFFEE and
the YES op on appears. Press HALF again and ENTER the old password followed
by the new password twice.
Press HALF again and we have the USER MESSAGE change op on. Using the
COFFEE, TEA and HALF bu ons (for saving) you can actually change the name on
the display to your choice. A unique feature only on ATLANTIS machines.
Press HALF and the screen would show CNTR RESET. Pressing COFFEE
TEA would show YES then you have to enter the password and the counters of B1
and B2 would be reset to 0.
Next mode on pressing HALF is the SET DEFAULT op on. If you enable the same by
impu ng YES, then all se ngs of water, powder, temp etc would be restored to the
factory se ngs (password and user message remain same).
The default password is currently entered by pressing half 5 mes no number needs
to be entered.
Press HALF again and the display shows TEMP 82. Again this can be adjusted
(to a maximum of 90 degree) by using the coffee and tea (up and down) switches.
Press Half again and we now enter the SET FLUSH mode. Here we have the
following op ons (all available using the COFFEE/TEA switches). If we want to flush
the machine at regular intervals, especially when not in use, then we should
enable – YES this op on.
Press HALF again and the display would show ENABLE COIN. (Only applicable to token
operated machine.) Using the COFFEE and TEA we can enable – YES or disable the
token mechanism – NO.
Press HALF bu on again and the display show HOT WATER 6.0. This is the quan ty
of water which is dispensed when we push the HOT WATER bu on. The quan ty
can be adjusted by using the COFFEE and TEA bu ons and saved by pressing the
HALF bu on as above.
Press HALF again for WATER 2 (water from the drink 2 side). Make changes as above.
Note that the se ng for WATER would always be 1.0 sec more than the respec ve
premix. This would ensure that the water would always flow more than powder and
not allow accumula on if powder in the mixing bowl.
Press HALF and the display would show PREMIX 2 3.75. This refers to the quan ty
of premix from canister 2 dispensed. Changes can be made as above.