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Runner PCI

V.90/V.92 56K Modem

 WebRunner PCI è un Modem PSTN semplice da installare, facile da usare e veloce nella connessione. Lo standard V.92 consente una connessione rapida 

ignorando alcuni passaggi della sequenza di training e stabilendo la connessione più velocemente.
Permette inoltre una comunicazione in upstream 


 no a 48Kbps. Il protocollo V.44 migliora la compressione dati 


 no al 30%, diminuendo i tempi di attesa.



 che Tecniche

Modem Features

 32-bit PCI V2.2 Interface 

 ITU-T V.92* Data/Fax modem

 Quick Connect, Modem-on-Hold ** and 48Kbps 

PCM upstream supported for ITU-T V.92

 Soft ring detection

 Call Progress Monitoring feature thru soft audio 

(No buzzer required)

 4KV Surge Isolation

Chipset Solutions

 Based on Conexant SL2801 solution based on 

Discrete DAA con



Data Mode Features

 56Kbps Internet connectivity via ITU/TIA 

V.92/V.90 standard

 V.8 and V.8bis support

 Backward compatible to V.34bis and lower 


Data Modem Standard

 V.90/V.92: 56Kbps

 V.34bis: 33.6Kbps

 V.34: 28.8Kbps

 V.32bis: 14.4Kbps

 V.32, V.23, V.22bis, V.22

 Bell 103 and Bell 212A

Data Compression


 V.42bis, MNP 5

Error Correction

 V.42, LAPM, MNP 2-4

Fax Modulations

 V.17: 14.4Kbps

 V.29: 9,600 bps

 V.27ter :4,800 bps

Fax Control / Protocol

 Class 1, V.21 Channel 2 

 Group 3 fax mode

Drivers Support

 Windows® 98SE, Windows® 2000, Win-

dows® Millennium, Windows® XP 

 Windows Vista 32




 Accept call and put modem on hold, or reject 

call and continue Internet session (V.92 only)

 Allow the user to place outgoing calls by put-

ting the modem on hold if an Internet connec-
tion is engaged (V.92 only)

Physical And Environmental 

 Storage Temperature: -10~50°C

 Operating Temperature: 5~40°C

 Humidity: 20% - 85% RH, no condensation

 Dimensions: 115 mm x 40 mm (without 


 Weight: 50 g

Minimum System Requirements 

 Pentium® MMX 233MHz with 128MB RAM for 

Windows® 2000 / Windows® XP

 32-bit PCI 2.2 Interface

 CDRom Drive

 10MB available hard disk space (system 



and modem drivers only)

Package Contents 

 WebRunner PCI V.90/V.92 56K Modem

 Installation CD with Driver, Manuals and Net-


 Telephone Extension Cable RJ-11

 Quick Start Manual

Codice Ean


* V.92 feature is subjected to ISP support 
** requires software application support

All rights registered
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Micro-
soft Corporation
All trade names and marks are registered trademarks of re-
spective companies


 cations are subjected to change without prior notice. 

No liability for technical errors and/or omissions
Telephone line conditions may limit your ability to connect at 
the highest speed

All rights registered
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Micro-
soft Corporation
All trade names and marks are registered trademarks of re-
spective companies


 cations are subjected to change without prior notice. 

No liability for technical errors and/or omissions
Network conditions and environmental factors, including vol-
ume  of network traf


 c, building materials and construction, 

and   network overhead, lower actual data throughput rate. 
Environmental factors will adversely affect wireless signal 

che Tecniche

Fax Modulations

V 17: 14 4Kbps

Package Contents 

WebRunner PCI V 90/V 92 56K Modem
