Analogical input (Upper terminal):
It is the analog input current or voltage that comes from the sensor.
To choose a voltage or current reading, in addition to indicating it in the configurator (see Modem configuration
section), it is necessary to switch the slide switch to the correct position. For use with a 0-10V
sensor, it is necessary to switch the switch to the high position (SMA side). For a
use with a sensor 4-20mA, it will switch the switch down (USB side).
Numerical inputs (Upper terminal):
You can connect up to two digital inputs. It is necessary to inject a voltage between 10 and 30V continous
or to leave the circuit open.
The USB connector is used to configure the ACW via a PC and a USB cable. for more detail. The
configuration must be done with the device powered by 10 / 30V.
Lights meaning
When the power is turned on or after removing the USB cable, the green LED (upper LED) lights up for
a brief moment signifies that the ACW is starting up properly. If a problem occurs during this phase, the
red LED (bottom LED) will illuminate for a brief moment to testify to this state.
In USB configuration mode, the green LED flashes until the configuration is completed and the USB cable
is removed.
Overall in normal operation, the illumination of the green LED attests to a radio communication. The
red LED illuminates to show any errors that may occur.
The push button, located on the front of the box, allows to emit a test frame to validate the installation
on site. A test frame is constituted as follows.
Formatting frames' for more details):
Octet :
Data :
The value ‘Counter’ is incremented with each press