Operating mode
The operating of the ACW-TCR deals with several modes:
: this is the default mode when starting the product. In this mode, the module periodically
sends measurements according to the configuration applied (if the product has never been configured, the
factory configuration applies,
Deep sleep mode
: this standby mode mainly allows the product to be put to sleep from the moment the
product is powered on until it is installed on site. In this mode, no measurement or radio communication
function is possible.
Confirmation mode:
this mode is active FIVE minutes after exiting deep sleep mode and allows configuration
of the product in
using the PC configurator. In addition, radio frames are sent every minute
(therefore five frames) to ensure that the product is properly commissioned. After these five minutes, the
product returns to operating mode and
is deactivated (possibility of reactivating it via
Pairing mode:
this mode is active after exiting dee sleep mode and allows to pair to the network.
Fault mode:
This mode allows the normal operation of the module to be interrupted when a critical event
occurs. The nature of the event can be multiple
Empty battery (battery voltage less than 2.2V)
Error on the radio module
Error when automated tests
Error in the application
Entering Fault mode is indicated by a flashing
LED of the product.
If the error does not come from the radio module, the product will send 3 radio frames every 24 hours containing the
error code (s) (see chapter
for error codes). In addition, the product will emit luminous warning
depending on the nature of the event.
Once in this mode, the module must be restarted (by disconnecting and reconnecting the battery or by command in
Downlink) to return to its normal operation.
At any time, it is possible to identify which mode the product is in by bringing a magnet close
at least for 2 seconds
the diamond mark on the case. The product led will light up in one of these colours depending on the mode:
for operating mode
for configuration mode
for deep sleep mode
for fault mode
for pairing mode