The value entered is in seconds after the point. If the value is zero, the display shows hold. In this case, the
relays remain drawn as long as they exceed
the set value.
Tout menus allow role output times according to entered times. If entered to time as zero, writes hold on
the screen. Thus situated, relays will be active during the set value is exceeded. In order to entered output
time, if you press to prg button, found tout1 or tout2 menus with up-down button. When press prg button,
the right-digit of bottom row flashes. Its value is set with up-down button.
Each press of the button moves
to the left in a digit. Then you can save them. Therefore point is fixed.
Out1 and out2 menus allow positions of the relays. The relay is inactive at Nclose option, active while
reached set point. And also the relay is active at Nopen option, it will be inactive while reached set point.
While hold input is active, value on the screen is fixed when coming the signal of hold input. If signal of
hold input isn't cut, counting can not to be continued. While you select the hold input, also select the edge
you will make reset on. You can select one of Rising and falling edges. If you want to hold off Input, select
to off option. In order to select to Hold Input, pressed to prg button at operating mode and found hold
menu with up-down button.
When prg button is pressed, options will flash
and made the selection with up-
down button. Then save it by prg button.
4.8. Relay Output Time (tout)
4.9. Relay Output Positions
4.10. Activating The Hold Input (Hold)
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