When in the INT position, no outside controls are required, the only equipment required is a
frequency generator and the intended load. The procedure to use Internal ( 'INT' ) Leveling is
described below:
1) Turn the RF Level Potentiometer fully counter clockwise to Full Attenuation.
2) Set the ALC Switch to the 'INT' position.
3) Set the Signal Generator to the proper input drive level to obtain the desired power level.
Identify the desired testing parameters and determine the required input drive levels from the
Calibration Data Sheets provided within Appendix A It is important to determine that
sufficient signal drive signal is generated to obtain and maintain the desired programmed
power level. An adequate load capable to operate within the power requirements should
also be selected.
4) Adjust the RF Level Potentiometer until the desired Forward Power Level is displayed on the
front panel LCD display.
5) The amplifier is now ready to sweep a frequency range and automatically maintain the
desired power level with no further adjustments required. The power level will be
maintained at the operator set level and remain independent of changes to the input
frequency or input signal level.
6) When sweeping the frequency range, best results are obtained at a sweep rate that is slower
than 500 ms.