SECN User Guide
4.2 Minimum Set-up
The minimum set-up process uses the telephone IVR facility to simply set a unique IP address for
bridge interface in order to allow telephone calls to the device using the IP address.
The default setting for this IP address when the device is flashed is and you should
change at least the last octet of the address in order to make the address unique on the mesh.
In a simple mesh arrangement, all MP devices on the mesh are assigned addresses in the same
address range (ie only the last octet of the address is changed) so telephone calls can be made to all
devices on the mesh with abbreviated dialling using just the last octet of the MP device's bridge IP
If you are intending to connect the mesh to a LAN, you may choose to assign addresses from the
LAN address space to the MP devices so that they will appear as static IP devices on the LAN.
In this case, just set the Ipv4 address field to the required IP address. You will need to ensure that
the address that has been assigned will not be used by any other device on the LAN in order to
avoid IP conflicts.
Set the
IP Address
Connect a telephone to the MP device and wait until the device has fully restarted.
Pick up the telephone, check for dial tone and dial 2663 (C-O-N-F)
Follow the voice prompts and enter the IP number in the form
10*130*1*21 (For an IP address of
The number entered will be read back to you and the MP will reboot.
After the device has rebooted, you should be able to make a call to the device using either the full IP
number, or abbreviated dialling using just the last octet of the address.