GigaX2024B L2 Managed Switch User Manual
5.3.9 Mirroring Mirror setting
This command mirrors the source interface list traffic to the destination interface.
The mirror type support received traffic, Transmitted traffic, or both.
CLI Syntax: mirror session 1 source IFLIST (both/ rx/ tx)
mirror session 1 destination IFNAME
Example: (config)# mirror session 1 source fa1/0/1-4 both
(config)# mirror session 1 destination fa1/0/5 Show mirror
To show current mirror features.
CLI Syntax: Show mirror session
Example: ASUS# show mirror session No mirror
This command disable the mirror function.
CLI Syntax: no mirror session 1
Example: (config)# no mirror session 1 No mirror
This command resets the source interfacesʼ received or transmitted traffic or
both the destination interface.
CLI Syntax: no mirror session 1 source IFLIST
Example: (config)# no mirror session 1 source fa1/01/-2
5.3.10 Static Multicast mac-address-table multicast
Use the mac-address-table multicast configuration command on the switch to
add multicast static addresses to the MAC address table.
CLI Syntax: mac-address-table multicast MACADDR VLANID IFLIST
Example: (config)# mac-address-table multicast 0100.5e11.1111 2 fa1/01-3