Astrel Instruments AST183-X
PC/tablet/smartphone Connected mode
The camera is operated using the collection of applications available on-board, which can be
accessed using any
compatible remote desktop application on a PC/tablet/smartphone
with wifi connection.
Astrel proprietary applications are collected on the Astrel Desktop, which is organized in pages
of icons corresponding to applications. When choosing one tab, a different page of icons is
displayed. The applications and tabs can be customized modifying the desktop.cfg file. Here
follows a screenshot of the main Desktop page:
Other third-party applications are available on the Linux Desktop.
When operated in Connected mode, you only have to install a VNC client application on the
PC/tablet/smartphone, which is an application used to show the camera Desktop in a window in
the PC screen. There's no need to install any driver on the PC because the applications always
run on the camera, not on the PC, and all the communications use the wifi connection. This is
why you can run the same applications even with a tablet/smartphone.
Many free VNC client are available for many architectures: here follows a brief list of the tested
PC/Windows: TightVNC (
PC/Linux: TightVNC (
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