IMOB Conditions
Clear immobilisation mode and deactivate output switch (OFF)
Activate output switch when vehicle ignition is OFF
Activate output switch when vehicle is stationary
Activate output switch when vehicle is stationary AND ignition is OFF (DEFAULT)
Activate output switch immediately and unconditionally
Automatic Immobilisation Schedule Settings (IMOS)
Automatic immobilisation can be scheduled individually for each day of the week using this
Day of week since Sunday
0 = Sunday
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
7 = Apply same settings to every day
Vehicle enabled time: hour of day, GMT, 24
hour format
Vehicle disabled time: hour of day, GMT, 24
hour format
The output used is configured by the CDIG command
<on_time> and <off_time> can be defined for each day of the week
Specify <day>=7 to set the same <on_time> and <off_time> to all days of the week
<on_time> and <off_time> are defined to the nearest hour using 24 hour clock
<on_time> and <off_time> are specified in GMT (same as UK time in winter, but -1 hour
when daylight saving time reverts to British Summer Time)
Set <on_time> = <off_time> to disable auto immobilise schedule for any given day
The output will be turned OFF after the specified <on_time> for any given day of the week. The
output will be turned ON after the specified <off_time> for any given day of the week and will
remain ON until the specified <on_time> for the following day. The state of the output can be
over-ridden by the use of the SDIG or IMOB command, which will force the state as specified
until the next scheduled <on_time> or <off_time>.
Authorised Driver Implementation (DRID)
The device will store a list of up to 10 approved iButtons and up to 10 declined iButtons.
Each time a 'new' iButton is read (i.e. not currently in the approved list), the device will query
the host server for approval to accept the new iButton. This process should take approximately
10 seconds. iButtons approved by the host will be added to the approved list and when
presented again in the future they will be immediately authorised by the device.
iButtons that are declined will not be added to the approved list and will not allow the vehicle to
be started. These are stored in a declined list. Declined iButtons send a query to the host so
that if they are changed to approved in future they will be added to the approved list. iButtons
previously approved can be removed from the approved list by the host.