Product Overview
The AT200 is low-cost vehicle tracking device, housed in a sturdy plastic enclosure. Both GPS
and GSM antennas are internal. The AT200 incorporates the very latest technology, including the
latest Cortex M3 ARM processor, SIMCom SIM800H Quad Band GSM/GPRS modem with
Bluetooth and SiRFstar IV GPS with high sensitivity and anti-jamming features. The AT200
operates from an external power feed and has a 900mAh back-up battery which allows operation
for approx. 3 hours in continuous mode. Interconnections are made with a single 16 way
The main features of the AT200 are highlighted below:
Compact size
Cortex M3 ARM Processor
SiRFstar IV GPS, -163dBm sensitivity and anti-jamming feature
SIM800H QUAD band GSM/GPRS/Bluetooth modem
Internal GSM and Bluetooth antennas - PIFA PCB trace, high-sensitivity
Internal GPS antenna, 10mm ceramic patch
Low power consumption (near zero current drain when vehicle ignition is off)
Bluetooth based driver ID / authentication / authorisation
3 axis accelerometer (2/8g)
2 digital inputs
digital output
RS232 Port
Internal back-up battery, lithium-polymer, 900mAh
Configuration by RS232, SMS or TCP/UDP
Fast and reliable over the air firmware update
Supports existing device protocols for easy compatibility with existing applications
Reporting protocols support TCP or UDP
SDK available for rapid development of client customised applications
SON8 / QFN SIM option, subject to pre-order and MoQ
Approved to: CE, 2004/104/EC