Astivita Limited ABN 46 139 461 733
Copyright 2014 Astivita Limited
Astivita Limited
172 Ingram Road,
Acacia Ridge QLD 4110
Ph: 1300 302 084
Fax: (07) 3726 2099
Controller Error Codes
The LCD display will normally
display the Lower “L” tank sensor temperature and the Roof-
top “R” sensor temperature as follows:
Sensor Temp:
L:001 R:001
In event of a tank sensor failure, an error code will be shown on the display and 4 LED lights
(2 green and 2 red) will become visible as follows:
Sensor Temp:
L:Err R:001
Similarly, when errors occur on roof top or both sensors, the display will indicate as follows:
Sensor Temp:
L:Err R:Err