ASR Audio Systems Friedrich Schaefer, D-35745 Herborn, Germany +49 / 2772 – 42 905
High End Integrated Amplifier ASR Emitter I and II version 2009 on Page 7
before switching the ASR Emitter to the „On“-position, the DC resistance can not be
checked, if a shortcut has occurred on the speakers – this means: all speaker cables
have to be checked
before the ASR Emitter is initially switched to the „On“-position
if a technical defect occurs, the speaker output can not be disconnected; in case of trouble,
the protection circuitry shuts down the whole unit and shorts the speaker outputs.
to listen to music again, the left control knob on the ASR Emitter has to be switched OFF for
some seconds to restart the operation of the amplifier.
The speakers connected to the ASR Emitter should have an impedance that is not lower than
1,5 ohms (20Hz to 20kHz).
The speaker outputs are located on the back panel of the ASR Emitter below the RCA input
sockets. Please connect the „minus“ (black on most speaker cables) of the right speaker cables to
the „minus“ (black) terminal on your speaker, than the other end of the cable to the right black
terminal on the ASR Emitter, and the „plus“ (red) of the right speaker cables to the „plus“ (red)
terminals of your speakers, than the other end of the cable to the right red terminal on the ASR
Emitter - same for the left channel. Do not reverse „minus“ (black) and „plus“ (red) – neither on
the ASR Emitter nor on your speakers.
Additionally outputs for the ASR Emitter
The ASR Emitter I can be equipped with one, the Emitter with two additional speaker outputs.
The speaker outputs are named „A“, „B“ and „C“. The additional speaker outputs on the ASR
Emitter can be either selected single („A“ or „B“) or together („A“ and „B“).
The chosen outputs are shown in the display on the front panel.
If the ASR Emitter is equipped with a relay-switched speaker output or with a second pair of
speaker outputs, an impedance check will be automatically made, before the unit switches from
„Standby“ to the „ON“ position. When the measured value is under 1,5 ohms, the Emitter does
not switch on and a red led bar
“Short circuit“
is flashing
Every ASR Emitter can be equipped with a headset output, either on the front- or the back panel.
Connection can be made via a gold-plated 6,3mm socket. The headset output can be easily chosen
by switching the left control knob to the „C“-position. Two yellow Leds indicate that the headset
output is selected. The 6,3mm-plug must not be disconnected, when the headset is not in use.
Connecting the separate power supplies to the ASR Emitter
Due to the very high power capability of the ASR Emitters, the external power supplies
have to be
connected direct to wall AC outlets.
the power supplies to the ASR Emitter in the following order:
turn OFF
the ASR Emitter (left control knob to „OFF“-position)
carefully connect
the heavy silver cables (with grey plug featuring 24 contacts) coming
from the back panel of the ASR Emitter main unit to the socket on the back panel of the
external power supply. The ASR Emitter II features two cables coming from the back panel.
Both power supplies of the Emitter II are identical.
the power cords to the AC input of the power supplies
the power cords to the AC outlet