Drivers Update
UCAB232i is based on FTDI IC, FTDI Chip company
) steadily updates drivers for their ICs.
To keep your drivers updated follow this chapter.
Windows XP
Windows XP drivers are stable for a long time, thus
there is usually no reason for update them with the
exception that another software application using FTDI
IC on the same PC requires it. In that case, drivers are
available on the enclosed CD-ROM or for download at
Windows 7
Signed drivers are automatically downloaded from
Microsoft update server when the UCAB232i converter
has been inserted into USB port. Every time operation
system is being updated, drivers are kept updated, too.
Another way how to update drivers in Windows 7 is
very complicated or rather impossible.
and Special
Some of applications have special requirements for
RS232 communication, which demand particular correct
settings of the UCAB232i converter.
If there is any difficulty in communication between the
RS-232 connected device and PC try options listed
Red LED indicates transmitting, it can serve as
a check on that software application sends data to a
correct PC port. In other case, please check the COM
port number in software application and the assigned
COM port number by operating system.
The COM port number can be found and/or changed in
Control Panel/Device Manager/Ports.
If the RS-232 connected device does not reply (LED
indicator does not blink) although software application
sends data, it is possible that there is not correctly set
„Baud rate“ (communication speed), „Data bits“, „Parity“,
„Stop bits“ or „Flow control“. Please check that the
settings meets specification of the RS-232 connected
High demands on time
If the connected device replies (LED indicator blinks)
but software application still does not receive data it is
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2 DRIVERS -> 2.3 Troubleshooting and Special Requirements